Libby Tilley Hogg

Libby is a combination of talents. She is in the Public Relations, Art Consulting, and Special Events business. Most recently she has hoped Lottie Mae Lounge. Named after her grandmother, Lottie Mae Lounge is a contemporary art space in a fully renovated 1979 Airstream Sovereign.  Here she displays a roving showcase of highly collectible works by established women artists. Lottie Mae Lounge defies traditional gallery models and reimagines the traveling exhibition.   

Since her launch last year during Fall Gallery Night in Fort Worth, Lottie Mae Lounge has had quite a wild and successful ride .  They have had 10 pop ups in 5 cities, traveling close to 3,000 miles and have donated almost $10,000 back to the communities served.  

She is beyond thrilled to be hosted by Roy Pope Grocery for Fall Gallery Night this year on September 11 & 12!  

Fort Worth Woman

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