Fort Worth women are making headlines daily as business owners, entrepreneurs, top management officers, and political leaders. So, here at Fort Worth Woman, we are selecting one of our city’s shining stars each month. These are the movers and shakers you need to know, and we are proud to honor their accomplishments as our WOMEN OF THE MONTH.

Carol Bearden

Founder/Owner of Math Around the Corner

My mom has always told me that she believed in me the whole time and knew I could make MAC what it is today. I am so glad that I did because MAC has helped so many students and parents, and I have had the pleasure to work with so many incredible former teachers and TCU students over the years. A highlight of my life has been watching so many students grow up over the years and achieve their dreams.

Meet August’s Fort Worth Woman! When passion, perseverance, and a deep commitment to education converge, remarkable things happen. For Carol Bearden, the journey of founding Math Around the Corner (MAC) is a testament to the power of dedication in the belief that every student has the potential to excel. Carol’s story is not just one of overcoming personal challenges but also of creating a space where students can conquer their academic fears and achieve their goals. 

The Early Years: A Foundation in Family and Education

Carol’s story begins in Wichita Falls, Texas, where she was born and raised in a family that would shape her future in ways she couldn’t have imagined. With a mother who was a dedicated Pre-K and Kindergarten teacher and a father who owned and operated Bearden Drilling, Carol grew up in an environment where both education and business acumen were highly valued. Her mother’s passion for teaching ignited Carol’s early interest in becoming a teacher herself, while her father’s business expertise provided her with a solid foundation in entrepreneurship. 

From a young age, Carol displayed an unusual affinity for math. Numbers came naturally to her. She describes, “I have always loved math. Growing up, I would go to the grocery store and keep track of the items in my head, adding up the total cost. At garage sales, I would always handle the money. However, I was scared of reading, writing and spelling tests.” These subjects posed significant challenges, and it wasn’t until later in life that Carol would discover the underlying reason—dyslexia.

Carol’s father, who also learned he was dyslexic later in life, became a source of inspiration. His advice to work harder on the subjects that scared her resonated deeply, and Carol adopted a determined approach to overcoming her academic struggles. With the help of flashcards, color-coded notes, late-night study sessions, and tutoring, she persevered. Her mother was always there to guide her through papers and ensure she grasped the material. Despite the obstacles, Carol’s hard work paid off—she graduated in the top 10% of her high school class with an impressive 4.07 GPA.

Overcoming Challenges: A Path to Texas Tech

Despite her academic success, standardized testing presented another hurdle for Carol. The ACT was particularly challenging, and she feared it might prevent her from attending college. However, during her senior year, Carol’s struggles were finally recognized for what they were—learning disabilities. She was formally diagnosed with dyslexia, ADHD, and auditory processing disorder, and with this diagnosis came the accommodations she needed to succeed. She bravely shares, “Based on the results, my testing indicated I should not attend college. My math ability was extremely high but my reading comprehension level was at an 8th grade level. Once I had my diagnosis, I took the ACT again, this time with accommodations. I was able to use headphones which read the script to me, I had a private testing room, and my time was increased to four hours per day over three days for a total of 12 hours.” Armed with these accommodations, Carol retook the ACT and this time, her results opened the doors to Texas Tech University, where she would major in mathematics—a subject she had always loved.

At Texas Tech, Carol describes her continued accommodations that aided in her success. “I had class notes taken for me, I had extended time in a private room for exams, and I had headphones that read the exams out loud to me. Thankfully, mathematics was my major so I did not have much to read or write in my major courses. Instead of the required foreign language credit, I was able to substitute that for studying abroad.”

Carol found herself in her element, especially when she began tutoring her peers. What started as helping friends with their math courses quickly blossomed into a passion for tutoring. Carol discovered that she not only enjoyed math but also loved helping others understand it. By the time she graduated with her mathematics degree in 2003, she had already laid the groundwork for what would eventually become Math Around the Corner.

A Leap of Faith: From Tutoring to Founding MAC

Upon graduating, Carol faced a pivotal decision. While she initially took a job outside of college, she couldn’t shake the feeling that something was missing. She describes this time further, “At the time my dream job was to teach college level developmental math and college algebra. Both goals required that I have a master’s degree. I truly didn’t believe that I was smart enough to earn one. After graduating from Tech I started in a position at Northwestern Mutual, but I always felt like something was missing. I started tutoring again and the time I spent with students turned into the best part of my day.”

Encouraged by her father, Carol took a leap of faith and applied for a scholarship to pursue a master’s degree in math education at Texas Christian University (TCU). To her surprise, she was awarded a full scholarship, and once again, Carol found herself immersed in the world of mathematics—a place she cherished.

During her time at TCU, Carol describes, “The next part of my story truly shows how life can fall perfectly into place even when it seems like something terrible is happening. Due to a class in which I was enrolled being too full, I was enrolled in a replacement course. The replacement course was a reading class. My professor was Dr. Cathy Block. Despite my nerves when the course began, she was wonderful and helped me adapt the course to be appropriate for my degree.” Dr. Cathy Block, who would become both a mentor and a pivotal figure in the creation of MAC. 

Dr. Block recognized Carol’s passion and introduced her to a struggling 7th-grade student, Catherine.

Carol recalls, “One day after class Dr. Block told me that a parent called her and asked for help for her daughter. Catherine, at the time a 7th grader at St. Andrew’s, was failing her math course. Being the only math major in her course, Dr. Block asked if I could help her. We had our first session and I immediately knew Catherine was my favorite type of student. She worked so hard and I was incredibly proud of her, and she ended the year with an A in her math course! The following year in my master’s program I became Dr. Block’s graduate assistant and she became my mentor. To this day, I still consider her my mentor and I am very close to her. Dr. Block has played a huge role in the success of MAC over the years.” Working with Catherine ignited Carol’s desire to help students overcome their math fears and succeed, and word of her success spread quickly. 

Soon, Carol’s schedule was packed with students seeking her help, and she began enlisting her TCU classmates to assist. Carol states, “I began to receive phone calls from friends of friends who had heard of my success with Catherine. I couldn’t say no to helping more students, so I continued to take on more until my schedule was full. At that point, as more parents were still calling, I asked TCU graduate students in my class to help me and thankfully they said yes. We had stations running all throughout my apartment. We had a great time working with the students and were able to help so many of them.”

Building a Legacy: Math Around the Corner

In the summer before her second year of graduate school, Carol hosted her first math camp. The camp, which featured morning and afternoon sessions, marked the official beginning of Math Around the Corner. Naming the camp was a challenge, but inspiration struck while watching the classic film “You’ve Got Mail” with her mother. The shop in the movie, “Shop Around the Corner,” sparked the idea for “Math Around the Corner,” a name that has since become synonymous with personalized, effective tutoring.

Upon completing her master’s degree, Carol describes her graduation. “Walking the stage to receive my diploma after completing my master’s was one of the proudest moments of my life. I never believed I would accomplish such a feat. My mom later told me that my dad cried watching me walk to receive my diploma because he knew firsthand how hard I worked, as he is dyslexic himself.”

Carol continued to grow MAC. Initially operating out of her apartment and later a duplex near TCU, MAC quickly became known for its unique approach to tutoring. Carol’s tutoring house, affectionately known as “Ms. Carol’s house,” was filled with students eager to learn and tutors dedicated to helping them succeed. The personal touch of the tutoring environment, combined with Carol’s dedication, made MAC a beloved institution among students and parents alike. When reflecting back on this time, Carol describes, “My mom has always told me that she believed in me the whole time and knew I could make MAC what it is today. I am so glad that I did because MAC has helped so many students and parents, and I have had the pleasure to work with so many incredible former teachers and TCU students over the years. A highlight of my life has been watching so many students grow up over the years and achieve their dreams.”

As demand grew, so did MAC. Carol eventually expanded to a brick-and-mortar location, where MAC could serve even more students. The move was not without its challenges, including a temporary displacement when her original location was sold before the new space was ready. Carol states, “I’ll never forget the day my landlord called me again and told me that he was selling the house. I had to move out, and fast. It was bittersweet knowing we had to leave “Ms. Carol’s house” but at the same time, I knew it was my time for a brick-and-mortar location. I signed a five-year lease for MAC’s location in the Mira Vista Commons and paid for it to be designed to fit our needs. We would have 14 private rooms with dry erase boards in each room.” Carol’s commitment to her students never wavered, and the community rallied around her, accommodating sessions in her home until the new MAC building was complete.

What she has created stands out and allows students to feel safe in their learning. Carol describes, “Each room at MAC has the logo of a popular college as its theme. I picked schools that were close to Fort Worth and would be attainable to all of my students. The themed rooms encourage students to attend college if that is their goal.” The environment she has created not only fits the students she serves now, but honors the students of the past. Carol describes a beloved installment, “One of my favorite aspects of MAC is the Math Around the Corner alumni wall. When you walk in, you see a portrait of Catherine, my very first student. She is the first student on a wall covered with senior photos of students who attended MAC over the years. Their portrait also includes the high school from which they graduated and the college that they went on to attend.”

A Community of Support: Fort Worth and Beyond

Carol attributes much of MAC’s success to the support she has received from the Fort Worth community. From parents who have referred new families to those who have cheered on MAC’s growth, the people of Fort Worth have played an integral role in MAC’s journey. Carol is quick to express her gratitude, noting that the city’s warmth and encouragement have been instrumental in helping her build a business that is dedicated to the academic success of its students.

Today, MAC offers tutoring in a wide range of subjects beyond math, including writing, physics, chemistry, and SAT/ACT preparation. The expansion into MAC2, a new location designed to accommodate the growing demand, is a testament to Carol’s vision and the trust that parents and students place in MAC. Despite its growth, MAC has never lost the personal touch that began at “Ms. Carol’s house.” Each student is seen, heard, and respected, and the entire MAC team is dedicated to ensuring that every session is effective and that every student feels confident in their abilities. Carol states “Most notably, our college prep program has soared thanks to the dedication of all of our SAT/ACT and college essay tutors, but most especially due to the work and time that Libby Gann has invested.”

The Future of MAC: Continuing the Legacy

As Math Around the Corner continues to grow, Carol remains steadfast in her commitment to keeping the core values of MAC at the forefront. “Dedicated” is the word she uses to describe her impact as a businesswoman in Fort Worth, and it’s a word that resonates throughout every aspect of MAC. Carol’s own experiences as a student who struggled with learning disabilities fuel her dedication to helping others succeed. She states, “We prioritize the fact that each student who walks in has unique needs and a learning style that we can accommodate. As we continue to grow, I always want to keep our origin story close to mind. I’m so proud of what MAC has become.” Carol understands the fear and frustration that can come with academic challenges, and she has made it her mission to take the fear out of learning—particularly when it comes to math.

The relationships formed at MAC are lasting, and the impact on students’ lives is profound. Carol reflects, “Our tutors always turn into mentors for their students as well. Parents are thankful for a safe, personal environment in which their student can thrive and find the help they need on a schedule that works best for their family. Our tutors like working at MAC thanks to our flexible scheduling and the relationships they form with their students.” MAC is more than just a tutoring company; it’s a community where students, parents, and tutors come together to achieve academic success.

Contact Math Around the Corner

If you or someone you know is interested in joining the MAC community, whether as a student or a tutor, Carol and her team would love to hear from you. You can reach out by calling or texting 817-720-6284, or by emailing for student inquiries or for tutoring opportunities. For new students, an enrollment form is also available online at Math Around the Corner.


Michelle Miles

Michelle Miles


Michelle, aka @fortworthwoman, is a teacher turned counselor turned mommy turned entrepreneur.

Michelle has a passion for connecting, encouraging and informing about the good happening in our city. The good people, events, food, stores, entrepreneurs, and good deeds are her focus. She has created a niche for herself by using social media as a native marketing tool that has created meaningful exposure for local businesses in Fort Worth to a wide but very particular local audience.

Discover Past Women of the Month

Michelle, aka @fortworthwoman, is a teacher turned counselor turned mommy turned entrepreneur.

Michelle has a passion for connecting, encouraging and informing about the good happening in our city. The good people, events, food, stores, entrepreneurs, and good deeds are her focus. She has created a niche for herself by using social media as a native marketing tool that has created meaningful exposure for local businesses in Fort Worth to a wide but very particular local audience.

Fort Worth Woman

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