Martha Greer

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Owner & Tailor

Contact Information:

(817) 291-8329


Martha is a Fort Worth native that has been making style dreams come true for over 53 years. On her 8th birthday her mother took her to buy a sewing machine to teach her a trade that is a tradition in the family. She fell in love with the craft and still loves it to this day. In her full career she has partnered with luxury companies like Saks Fifth Ave. She works with businesses nationwide, television stars, and athletes. As the founder of Martha & Greer, she designs and customizes wedding dressed for excited brides. All fittings are done in the comfort of the client’s home or office. She is a miracle worker with fabric, lace, and any design problem possible. Her passion is easing the stress of overwhelmed brides of any stress that could come out of finding the perfect dress. Whether it is the mother of the bride or the whole wedding party, her calling is to make sure they never worry about their garments or accessories. She also ensures the newlyweds never have to worry about finding the perfect window treatments in their new home. She helps them make their new space their own and make it home.

Business Listing:

Martha & Greer
Custom/ In-Home Alterations
Fort Worth Woman

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